Queen of corporate media Megyn Kelly had some harsh words for CNN after the network hired on infamous reporter-abusing Corey Lewandowski.

In the space of just a few days, Trump campaign manager Lewandowski was unceremoniously booted from the campaign and then scooped up by the CNN network as a political pundit.

Though this is certainly not the first time that a network employed a former staffer for a political campaign, Lewandowski’s less-than-stellar record for dealing with the press should have made him unhireable for the network.

Even Megyn Kelly, who has had to manage a tenuous relationship with Trump during the election cycle, said that CNN’s decision was complete insanity.

“[Lewandowski is] the same guy who has threatened more than one journalist in the course of this campaign, has had some very ugly language attributed to him when it comes to women.”

“[Lewandowski] doesn’t intend to utter a negative syllable about Donald Trump. And even if he wanted to he signed a confidentiality agreement with Trump, and so he is limited in what he can say.”

“It’s not honest analysis.”

When sell-out Kelly says you’ve gone too far, you know it’s far too late to redeem your reputation. Hope Lewandowski was worth it, corporate shills!