In the wake of last week’s vote in the U.K. to break away from the European Union, a secession organization in Texas submitted their own ‘Texit’ proposal which asked that Texas Governor Greg Abbott take steps forward to call for the same sort of vote in the lone star state.

The Texas Nationalist Movement sent out a press release on Friday which requested that Abbott support a Brexit-style vote for the state of Texas.

“It is past time that the people of Texas had their say on our continued relationship with the Union and its sprawling Federal bureaucracy.”

Abbott responded to the request Friday afternoon during a radio interview with Sean Hannity saying that rather than splitting from the U.S., Texas should be working to make America more like themselves.

“Candidly, Sean, what I think is that what Texans believe in is that we need the United States to be more like Texas. In fact, I believe America longs to be the way the Texas is.”

Sorry, secessionists, that sounds like about the gentlest “no” you’re gonna get from your batsh*t governor.