When it became more clear that Bernie Sanders would not emerge from 2016 as the president of the United States, the campaign began to turn and focus on more achivable goals in supporting progressive candidates in down-ballot races all over the nation.

Sanders publicly supported a diverse group of lawmaker hopefuls, including New York Democratic congressional candidate Zephyr Teachout.

Teachout was one of the many who benefitted from campaign emails and fundraising performed by the Sanders campaign, and on Tuesday night, it all paid off.

Teachout was declared the winner of New York’s 19th district on Tuesday, making her the district’s Democratic nominee set to face Republican John Faso in the general election in November.

Teachout, a law professor who focuses on corruption and corporate power in politics, came to the attention of the Sanders camp when she tried to unseat Andrew Cuomo for his ties to Wall Street. With these progressive accomplishments under her belt, Teachout was a prime candidate for support by the Sanders committee.

We can only hope that these small incremental changes like the victory for Teachout will continue and pave the way for a real revolution come 2020.