I know what you’re thinking: Limbaugh is NEVER right, and yet something he said this week smacks of a bit of “truthiness.”

Limbaugh encouraged his nutty listeners to think ahead to November, and imagine if Trump wins the presidency. “Using intelligence guided by experience,” Limbaugh encourages us all to imagine the political climate and imagine what the motivated and infuriated left might do.

And what does Limbaugh tell us the left will do? revolt.

He paints the image in a more negative light, but honestly, any respect I have left for the Democratic party will be wholly dismantled if, upon a Trump victory, we all sit idly by and let the complete takeover a fascist demagogue go forward.

Limbaugh may be imagining the violence of the left with stars in his eyes to see the peaceful liberals finally become the “bad guys,” but it will be nothing more than the most perfect display of American pride and patriotic duty to stand up and say “hell no” to Trump’s rise to power.

But of course we can’t let it get to that, and we can’t let Limbaugh’s fever dreams of liberal revolt come to fruition. Trump must not win the 2016 election, and he must be sent back to his gold-tinted mansions empty handed.

Listen to Limbaugh’s wistful prediction.