Dr. Mark Weisbrot, Center for Economic and Policy Research (C.E.P.R.)/Just Foreign Policy/FAILED: What the “Experts” Got Wrong about the Global Economy & Maria Luisa Mendonça, Brazil’s Network for Social Justice & Human Rights/University of Rio De Janeiro joins Thom. Experts are now seeing disturbing signs that a bubble appears to be forming in at least three major markets – New York, Miami and San Francisco. The big problem is that as housing prices keep soaring – wages are staying flat. As Daren Blomquist, a senior vice president at RealtyTrac explained – “When you start seeing 20% to 30% year-over-year increases in prices, which we’ve seen over the last four years in some of these markets, it’s just not sustainable. People’s wages are not rising 20% or 30% a year.” So – with stocks and housing prices soaring to what some think are unnatural levels – are we looking at the beginning of the Crash of 2016? Plus – More on the political crisis in Brazil
Are the Bubbles About to Burst?