In a shocking upset to the Democratic establishment, up-and-coming congressional candidate Tim Canova’s campaign has out-raised incumbent and DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Ever since Senator Bernie Sanders offered his endorsement for the progressive candidate – shortly after President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden offered theirs for DWS – the funds for Canova have flown in.

In the second quarter, Canova raised a respectable $1.7 million to Wasserman Schultz’s $1.31 million – a difference of nearly $400,000. Now, if you’ve been looking at presidential campaign funding, this may seem like chump change to you, but rest assured that close to 2 million dollars for a congressional campaign, especially for a candidate that has never ran for public office before, is incredibly impressive.

The question now is whether or not these campaign contributions, which are flowing in from all corners of the country, will translate to votes in Florida’s 23rd district. Rumor is that the popularity Wasserman Schultz lacks nationwide, she makes up for in her home district which reportedly is fairly pleased at her leadership.

Can Canova upset that comfortable relationship with his calls for better governing in the area as well as less corruption and cozy relationships with dangerous lobbies like the payday loan industry and the Big Sugar?

Last week, Sanders announced that along with a long list of political and educational programs being instituted in his name, he would be actively campaigning for some progressive candidates – listing Canova as a possible first recipient.

If Sanders does head down to sunny south-central Florida, can he turn the corner of the Canova campaign?

We can only hope.