In the wake of the controversy over Melania Trump’s plagiarized convention speech, the Trump campaign has begun to deny the allegations, and have somehow found a way to blame Hillary Clinton for the heat they are feeling.

It looks like the Trump campaign has been working on their thigh muscles lately, or else they would never have been able to make this massive leap!

According to Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort on Tuesday morning, Melania didn’t steal a thing – she merely stated “common words and values” which happened to be nearly word-for-word something Michelle Obama said in 2008.

“There’s no cribbing of Michelle Obama’s speech. I mean, these were common words and values… I mean, she was speaking in front of 35 million people last night, she knew that. To think that she would be cribbing Michelle Obama’s words is crazy.”

And what’s more, this wouldn’t have been a story at all if it weren’t for that meddling Clinton!

“This is, once again, an example of what happens when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton. She seeks to demean her and take her down. It’s not going to work.”

It’s worth noting that it doesn’t appear that the Clinton campaign had anything to say at all about Melania’s thievery – the official Hillary Clinton twitter account doesn’t peep a word about the controversy. This wasn’t some nefarious story spread by one political camp. Rather, it was the collective internet as a whole smelling a rat.