Crystal Wright, Con Job: How the Democrats Gave Us Crime, Sanctuary Cities, Abortion Profiteering and Racial Division/Conservative Black Chick & Alex Lawson, Social Security Works & Charles Sauer, The Market Institute all join Thom. The truth is that every speaker spent more time bashing Hillary Clinton than they did praising Trump. But what’s really confusing – is the fact that the actual scheduled theme of the night had absolutely nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. The actual theme of the night was “Make America Work Again.” So why didn’t any of the speakers talk about any plans to actually put America back to work? Is it because neither Trump nor the GOP has any real plan to create jobs – and they’re just using nationalism – immigration – and anti-Clinton rhetoric to rally their base of white racists and sexists? So why didn’t any of the speakers talk about any plans to actually put America back to work?
Rumble – Why GOP Ignored Jobs Theme at Convention