Making it clear that he intends to stick to his promise to support the Democratic nominee and not rock the party boat, Bernie Sanders released this statement on Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s resignation as party chair:

“Debbie Wasserman Schultz has made the right decision for the future of the Democratic Party. While she deserves thanks for her years of service, the party now needs new leadership that will open the doors of the party and welcome in working people and young people. The party leadership must also always remain impartial in the presidential nominating process, something which did not occur in the 2016 race.”

Many Sanders supporters feel that this revelation about the DNC’s intentions and clear bias against Sanders mean that a change-up in the party’s nominee might be incoming, this statement from Sanders indicates otherwise.

Sanders made it clear during media appearances on Sunday that the DNC email leak does not change his support for Clinton and that he intends to have an active role in her campaign beginning with the Democratic convention where he is set to serve as a keynote speaker.