The Democratic party could not have located a more perfect symbol of opposition to Donald Trump than the Muslim father and wife who addressed the Democratic convention on its final night.

Khizr Khan spoke to the American people about his son, a Muslim and decorated soldier who saved countless lives before giving his own for the country he loved – the very country which Donald Trump would turn against him and others like him.

Khan, a resident of Virginia, took to the stage to a roar of applause. He put a comforting arm around his wife before telling the story of his son who was one of 14 American Muslims to have died while serving since 9/11.

Captain Humayun S. M. Khan was killed in 2004 when a suicide bomber attacked his unit in Iraq. He was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart for his bravery and service.

Turning his attention toward the Republican nominee, the elder Khan said,

“We cannot solve our problems by building walls…We are stronger together.”

“Let me ask [Trump], have you even read the United States Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy!”
