You may have thought you’d heard it all about the level of depravity former Fox President Roger Ailes was willing to sink, but rest assured that you haven’t heard the last of this story.

In the latest juicy element added to the corrupt Ailes story, CNN‘s Brian Stelter recounts his own experiences with Ailes in a more distant way.

In accordance with Fox News’ discovery that Ailes had been using Fox resources in order to follow and gather intel on rivals and enemies, Stelter said that he dated a woman who was apparently spending time with him in order to gather information on his career and intentions.

Stelter said:

“About 10 years ago I had a crush on a woman at Fox News,. She was a low-level staffer. I was in college at the time. So I was going out on what I thought were dates.”

“These were not dates. She was actually reporting back to Fox News about me. She was reporting back about what I thought of her and about CNN and MSNBC and Fox. Because I was a reporter on the beat, they were actually spying on me that way.”

It’s the kind of thing you only expect to hear about on a prime-time drama television show, but this is apparently the levels of depravity to which our favorite news network will sink.
