A new discovery into the true corruption of the oil industry and it’s relationship to Big Tobacco is sending shockwaves through the environmental community as it was recently revealed that Big Oil – rather than Big Tobacco – may have literally “wrote the book” on deceiving society.

It was previously believed that Big Oil simply borrowed the corrupt ideas of Big Tobacco, but if these revelations are true, would mean that the oil industry likely violated federal law.

According to AlterNet:

“If that is true, it would be highly significant—and damning for Big Oil—because the tactics used by the tobacco industry to downplay the connection between smoking and cancer were eventually deemed to have violated federal racketeering laws by a federal court. The ruling dashed efforts by Big Tobacco to find legal cover under the First Amendment, which just happens to be the same strategy that ExxonMobil and its GOP allies are currently using to defend the company against allegations of fraud. If the playbook was in fact created by the oil and gas industry and then later used by ExxonMobil, it ruins the company’s argument of plausible deniability, making it highly likely that the company violated federal law.”

Big oil continues to try to distance itself from the negative perceptions of the tobacco industry, but the fact is that both have repeatedly lied to and decieved American citizens for decades. Just like Big Tobacco got it’s day in court, so should the oil industry.