Hooray! After months of dodging, congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has finally agreed to hold a primary debate with opponent Tim Canova!

For 15 minutes?

As we have noted, Canova has been actively pursuing a debate with Wasserman Schultz for months now, having been repeatedly denied and outright ignored by the woman and her staffers. With Democratic voters more unhappy than ever with the Florida congresswoman, it was more than a bit arrogant for Wasserman Schultz to continue to pretend as if her opponent didn’t exist.

At the beginning of his campaign, Canova was considered a veritable ‘nobody,’ but with the full support of Bernie Sanders and generous campaign contributions from all over the nation, it is past time that Wasserman Schultz take her opponent seriously.

Which is why we were so excited, and then so infuriated, to learn that the congresswoman had finally consented to holding a primary debate.

Wasserman Schultz tweeted out this message on Wednesday:


In an attempt to clap back at Canova who has popularized the hashtag #DebbieDodgesDebates, the congresswoman pretended like she was waiting on Canova all along using #WaitingForTim. Anyone with half a brain could see what a half-assed attempt that was. 

In response to this call, Canova appears just as angry as the rest of us and has already called out the congresswoman for her ridiculous “debate.”


Canova is exactly right – it is nothing more than outright arrogance which allows Wasserman Schultz to look us all in the face and pretend that the “debate” she agreed to was anything resembling the Democratic process.

Just like her big sis Hillary, Wasserman Schultz feels fully entitled to the position she holds and is furious that she is being forced to defend her throne.