There’s been a bit of an update on an article we published yesterday about how Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz had agreed to a paltry 15-minute debate with opponent Tim Canova.

The disgraced former DNC chair announced her newly-scheduled debate with a bit of fanfare, tapping her proverbial toe as she said declared she was “#WaitingOnTim” – HA!

Canova, understandably, rejected the “debate” and demanded that Wasserman Schultz give more respect to her constituency than that.

It appears that since then, the two congressional candidate’s for Florida’s 23rd district have come to an agreement, and a new, decently-scheduled debate is to be held.

Announced by Canova on his Twitter account:


So there we go, ladies and gents, a real live debate where Debbie Wasserman Schultz won’t be able to say “no comment,” or ignore legitimate questions about her leadership abilities.

I know we are all looking forward to the presidential debates, but this will be the debate I will watch with the most bated breath.