This week, Trump surrogate and campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson fell for the oldest rhetorical device in the book, saying “literally” to hilarious effect.

Pierson has been gaffe-ing nearly as much as her boss in recent weeks, saying that Obama invaded Afghanistan and other time-traveler fantasies. Now, Pierson has accidentally accused mainstream media and the reporters who work for them of assault.

“Voters want someone that’s gonna fight back because they’re tired of seeing Left-wing reporters literally beat Trump supporters into submission – into supporting policies they don’t agree with.”

For those who aren’t big fans of correct grammar, Pierson has committed the cardinal sin of using “literally” to mean something other than “actually.” By saying “literally” she is accusing reporters of assault, plain and simple. Of course, we’re pretty sure she’s stupid, not a liar (but porque no los dos, right?).
