On Monday, one of the several political candidates endorsed by the Bernie Sanders movement made a shocking challenge to her primary opponent – The Congressional challenger for New York’s 19th district didn’t want to debate her Republican rival, she wanted to debate the men quietly financing his campaign.

Zephyr Teachout looked past her Republican rival John Faso and instead challenged his financiers Paul Singer and Robert Mercer to a discussion about why, exactly, they were pouring mountains of cash into Faso’s funds.

Said Teachout in her Facebook post:

“Today, I am challenging the billionaires that have poured $500,000 into my opponent’s SuperPAC to a debate. They’re trying to buy an election, and the people deserve to hear who they are and what they want.”

Though we don’t expect the two men to joyfully consent to a debate in a race they aren’t technically running, Teachout’s message is a strong one.

Why can’t we know what donors are expecting in return? How can a person give a campaign thousands of dollars without expecting some sort of kickback? What has the candidate promised those who give him so much? What do the rest of us have to lose?
