The latest Big Pharma player is making headlines this week for her gross exploitation of the free market.

Mylan Pharmaceuticals is the company responsible for providing the EpiPen, a necessary tool for individuals suffering from life-threatening allergies. Families all over the country have to keep EpiPens around the house in the event of an exposure, replacing them twice a year before their child can attend school.

Providing their child with a “just in case” EpiPen was a steep expense, even at its reasonable price, but now family budgets are bursting at the seems to accommodate the inflated price of the device thanks to CEO Heather Bresch.

When asked to explain why the price of the EpiPen has skyrocketed while the product has remained virtually the same, Bresch stumbles for a good answer. The real answer is that she and the other members of leadership at the company saw that they could be charging more and decided to do so. For her genius increase in company cash flow, Bresch rewarded herself with a massive pay increase and bonus.

She may not play the same character as the infamous Martin Shkreli, but don’t let her fool you into believing she is not just as guilty as he is of taking advantage of sick children and middle class families for her own gross gain.
