Maine Governor Paul LePage is not known for his subtlety or his ability to handle criticism as we have noted several times before, but this week he took his lack of filter to a whole ‘nother level.

The raging governor went on another brain-addled rager this week in a voicemail message left for a fellow Maine lawmaker to whom he declared, “I am after you.” The message was a bizarre mixture of political professionalism coupled with out-of-control expletives and threats.

“Mr. Gattine, this is Gov. Paul Richard LePage. I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you cocksucker. I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son-of-a-bitch, socialist cocksucker. You … I need you to, just friggin’. I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you. Thank you.”

So not only was this out-of-control governor willing to say these things to another politician, but he did so with his blessing for the audio to be spread far and wide.

So with the urging of Governor LePage behind us, here is this deliciously disgusting audio from the actual leader of a U.S. state: