In the first major shakeup in national polling since Clinton took the lead in the aftermath of both party’s conventions, Donald Trump has overtaken Clinton in key swing states Ohio and Florida, a concerning result which has many wondering – can the Democratic nominee recover from this?

Polls from Bloomberg Politics and CNN have Trump ahead 44 to 39 percent in Ohio, including third party candidates. A survey which eliminates the third party candidates leaves a similar gap between the Republican and Democratic nominee with Trump leading 48 to 43 percent.

In Florida, Trump’s lead is smaller, but still significant. A CNN poll found that Trump leads 47 to 44 percent.

Those who shout “polls don’t matter” have been met with the hysterical cries of those shocked to death that Trump could ever poll better than Clinton in the first place, but we are becoming well-accustomed to that once-foreign feeling.

This election has served to throw out all well-established election knowledge, including what is and isn’t considered to be a swing state. Those who are normally firmly blue or red are now tinged purple and states which were previously considered to be key swing states are now a deep shade of partisan.

Clinton still leads in national polls and it is likely that the polls will shift back and forth like this until election day, but as November creeps closer, no major poll shift can be taken lightly.