If the 2016 presidential race has proven anything – it’s that for Republicans – the facts simply don’t matter. Since day one of his campaign – Donald Trump has been making stuff up – and he’s now – according to some polls – beating Hillary Clinton – someone who’s inarguably one of – if not the most – qualified person ever to run for president. This is shocking – but it should surprise absolutely no one. The Republican Paryt has been living in a world outside the bounds of reason for a long time now. What we’re seeing now is just the culmination of a decades-long trend. Which raises the question – how did we get in the situation we’re in right now – where one political party, the conservative one, lives in a fantasy world? Joining me now for tonight’s Conversations with Great Minds is JP Bernbach – author of the new book “Beyond Reason: Debunking Conservative Lies, Delusions, and Falsehoods and What You Really Need to Know Before You Vote.” JP is a board member of the Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century – a former spokesperson for the Democrats Abroad.
The Scorched Earth GOP Plan – The Big Picture