Though DNC leadership would prefer you write off all further leaks as evidence of Russian interference, the important information being revealed in each and every leak of the DNC is building a strong case against the party power, confirming previous suspicions about the corruption within the liberal party.

There have been quite a few leaks, and each one reveals a slew of important information. What have we already forgotten, and what might still be revealed?

A Recap

So what’s next? If Julian Assange is to be believed, quite a bit. The architect of Wikileaks warned earlier this month that more information would continue to be released, despite the growing narrative that he and his organization is an extended arm of the Kremlin.

Considering that the DNC is now fear-mongering so extremely that Interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile said that even reading the leaks might get the reader hacked by Russia as well (complete and total B.S.), it’s hard not to root for more and more released information.

Of course, it would be welcome for the leakers to reveal information about Republicans as well. Maybe we could finally see Trump’s tax returns or learn a bit more about his various crimes? There’s so much information that the American people are missing out on.