Former KKK ringleader David Duke is currently soaking up the national Trump support while he runs for Senate in his home state of Louisiana, but not all of the Lousianians are happy to have him working to represent them.

Over the weekend, Duke attended a counter-protest to one which was calling for the removal of Confederate statues in the state. In particular, protesters had assembled to complain that a statue of Andrew Jackson should come down immediately, not later, and attempted to tear down the statue themselves. Duke addressed crowds at the protest, demanding that the attending Black Lives Matter group respect the white culture which had created the Confederate flag and erected Confederate statues.

“I tell you one thing. It was built by the forefathers of the European Americans who created this country and who gave us our constitution. Who gave us our freedoms and they should not lose their rights and liberty in their own country. They should not have their statues taken down. They should not lose their culture of this society.”

“I am here to defend our American heritage. Our Louisiana heritage and our New Orleans heritage.”

Luckily, Duke wasn’t able to speak for long before being drown out by protests which shouted,  “Racist, fascist, anti-gay! Right-wing bigot go away!”

Duke has made it clear that he only felt emboldened to run for Senate because of the success of Donald Trump. As Trump’s polling numbers continue to compete aggressively with Clinton’s, we can expect to see more like Duke come out from the shadows to spread their hatred.
