It was about this time last year that the reality began to set in that Vice President Joe Biden really wouldn’t be throwing his hat in the presidential ring. Citing the painful loss of his son and a focus on his remaining family, Uncle Joe said that he was sorry, but he wouldn’t be running for president.

Since then, Joe has been a glowing example of a Vice President. Like an ex you dumped too soon, he made us all wonder what might’ve been if he had stuck it out and ran for the presidency against Clinton and Sanders.

This week, Biden addressed a crowd, sternly telling them how serious it is that we keep Donald Trump out of the White House after he bragged on Monday about how smart he was to take advantage of the 2008 housing crisis.

Joe said that though most politicians had differing political beliefs, they were all united in the desire to help the American people. This is a trait that Biden said Trump lacks, and it is indefensible.

In an alternate universe where Biden is our nominee, this would be the speech that won him the election.
