Oh, woe is me! Poor chauvinist Rudy Giuliani admitted this week that the real reason he thinks Trump is an a-okay guy is because he is just that – a guy!

Yes, though Giuliani and others may pretend that Clinton’s gender has nothing to do with their opposition of the woman, the former NYC mayor let slip during an interview that “genius” Trump is so much better than a woman.

Giuliani was busy trying to spin the release of Trump’s 1995 tax return as a positive thing, arguing that Trump’s ability to dodge his taxes for 18 years or more was “genius” rather than nearly criminal when he slipped a bit of reality into his fiction.

“This a genius that had to take advantage of legal remedies that can help your company survive and grow. I want a man who is genius for figuring out how to take this country, moving in the wrong direction, where we have had a basically jobless recovery, where we’ve had a growth of less than 2 percent for two years, that is pathetic. Don’t you think a man who has this kind of economic genius is a lot better for the United States than a woman and the only thing she has ever produced is a lot of work for the FBI checking out her emails?”
