Rather than rewarding his racist and prejudice behavior, the Department of Justice has elected to go after infamously racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio, friend of Donald Trump, for violating a federal order.

It was announced on Tuesday that Arpaio is to be charged with criminal contempt, though the charge has not yet been handed down. The charge is expected to be filed on Wednesday after federal prosecutors write an order to show cause which the judge will then sign.

Arpaio’s charge comes from his actions in 2011 when he ignored a federal court order barring his agency from enforcing federal immigration law. Arpaio ordered his officers to disobey the federal government and instead, officers in his county continued to practice discriminatory acts on people they believed to be illegal immigrants.

Despite his crimes, “Sheriff Joe” continues to hold a political position in the Republican party, getting frequent shout-outs from Republican nominee Donald Trump. Joe’s racist behavior has been bolster by anti-immigrant sentiment in the conservative party, with many praising him for taking the law into his own hands.

Despite the level of his crimes, the most Arpaio will serve is 6 months – if that. The judge who is expected to charge Arpaio with criminal contempt said that his advanced age was motivation enough to reduce the crime’s sentence to such a low time.

Regardless, if Arpaio is jailed even for one day, it may send a message nationwide that criminal justice and law enforcement is not for vigilantes or outlaws. \

You can read more about this story at AZ Central.