Progressive congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard spoke out on Wednesday in response to the news that Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf had stepped down from his position of power – a shocking victory for those who wish to make big banks accountable.

Rep. Gabbard celebrated the news, saying that though many may lament the fact that Stumpf will still be a rich, powerful, free man, this is still an important victory.

“[W]hile he will surely leave Wells Fargo with a sizable golden parachute — an all-too-common example of Wall Street greed and arrogance — this is a key victory because the only reason Stumpf is leaving is because millions of people in this country came together and demanded it.”

Gabbard, who is one of the most well-known Berniecrats, used the momentous occasion to ask supporters to contribute additional funds to her campaign. As she put it, “my campaign is fueled by supporters like you, not people like John Stumpf.”

Gabbard said that not only was the resignation of Stumpf a good first step, but she encouraged congress to take action and work to break up Wells Fargo and other massive banks for good. Doing so, Gabbard said, would “bring fairness and equality back to our economy and financial sector.”

You can learn more about the progressive fight against Wells Fargo by watching this video below: