Though we may have our grievances with the Clinton campaign, it’s impossible to deny that whoever is working her advertisement division is absolutely killing it.

From using Mike Pence’s words against the Trump campaign fewer than 12 hours after the debate to the genius way the campaign has melded pop culture with politics in many other ads, not a dollar of the Clinton advertising budget has been wasted.

In this latest ad, Clinton uses clips from Infowars’ Alex Jones as he rants about Sandy Hook, 9/11, and the Oklahoma bombings, all interspersed with a video interview where Trump promises to make Jones’ conspiracy crew “very proud,” and promises not to let them down.

The already powerful video shows Jones losing it as he often does, screaming and throwing things. Then, Jones marvels that he can bring up a topic and two days later, so does Trump.

With Trump making an enemy of nearly everyone, Democrat and Republican, its becoming clear that Alex Jones may be in a small handful of people that Trump trusts – and that should concern us all.
