As he faces incoming criminal charges for his racist actions in Arizona, friend of Trump Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s chances of remaining a sheriff are dwindling as residents in Maricopa county vastly prefer his Democratic opponent.

In the latest poll released on Thursday morning, Arpaio lags behind Democratic opponent Paul Penzone by a shocking 15 points.

Though Senator John McCain was able to salvage his political career by finally denouncing Trump in the wake of the leaked Hollywood Access tape, Arpaio continues to stick by his candidate’s side, sinking his campaign.

Arpaio also continues to champion popular Trump talking-points like a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, as well as deporting 11 million undocumented workers. The high Hispanic population in Arizona is not as happy with Arpaio’s stances.

Of course, Sheriff Joe didn’t really need Trump to kill his career. Having your sheriff get hauled off to jail to face criminal contempt charges is really too much for any citizen to bear.

We suspect that this trend won’t just end in Arizona. Despite a significant chunk of the electorate supporting Donald Trump, most Americans recognize that much of what they dislike in Trump is some truly dangerous stuff. The most ardent supporters may tolerate the behavior from their candidate, but they are less likely to accept it from downballot Republicans.

When Donald Trump loses the presidency, Republicans will lose a lot more.