Progressive commentator Keith Olbermann has been fighting full speed ahead at his most urgent objective: keep Donald Trump out of the White House. Most of the time, he offers no criticism of Clinton – but no praise either.

In partnership with GQ Magazine, Olbermann has released a video every single day, reacting to political happenings in real time. Today, Olbermann posed an interesting question.

“Imagine if we were not two weeks and one day from a presidential election, but rather two weeks and one day away from a threatened invasion by a foreign cult figure of some kind. Imagine if that foreign invader intended to take over our government and had already declared that when he did so, he intended to remove 11 million people who lived here, which would require first putting them in camps and then presumably in other countries. Imagine if that foreign invader had already declared that he would, upon taking control, put up a wall along one of our national borders?”

You can see where this is going. We are willing to accept far more alarming information from Trump than we would ever tolerate in a foreign invader. Why are we complacent because he is who he is?
