Making an appearance at a Puerto Rican-focused festival in Orlando on Sunday, Senator Marco Rubio was met with an icy reception and was eventually booed off of the stage by his fellow Hispanics.

Marco Rubio likely expected a warm reception from Florida’s Hispanic community when he made an appearance in Orlando, but what he found was less than welcoming. Rubio arrived at Calle Orange where he was greeted by volunteers in Rubio shirts.

The introduction given to Rubio as he took the stage could not have been more telling.

Speaking in Spanish, the emcee declared that Rubio represents all Latinos.

“I’m going to introduce a man who represents Latinos, no matter where you’re from. Ladies and gentlemen, the senator for the state of Florida, a Latino like you and me … his name is Marco Rubio! Applaud!”

Being told to cheer for a man who supposedly represents you when he has sold out in the highest form to the Trump campaign is no more than an insult. It’s no wonder that the crowd broke into loud boos.

Rubio quickly addressed the angry crowd, thanking them and God.

The Senator, who is running for re-election in Florida, needs the support of Latino voters across the state. Instead, he may found he has shot himself in the foot by maintaining his support – however lukewarm – for the nominee.

Already, the number of Hispanic voters is up 99 percent or more from the previous election at this point in the race. If those voters are casting a ballot for Democrat Patrick Murphy instead of Rubio, he may have sunk more than his presidential ambitions.
