In an incredibly surprising bipartisan moment, both Republicans and Democrats have come to mostly the same conclusion regarding FBI director James Comey’s decision to release information on Clinton’s email scandal less than two weeks before the election.

Though initially, Republicans were gleeful that Clinton’s email issue had been reignited, now, even the most ardent conservative has agreed that Comey’s actions were premature and inappropriate.

This is mostly due to the fact that Comey’s announcement turned out to be a lot less juicy than originally believed. In the hours following the release of his letter to Congress, we discovered that the new emails were neither to nor from Clinton, and did not come from her server – rather from an investigation relating to Anthony Weiner.

Reception has been shocking. Even those who believe Clinton should be in prison have come out against the decision by Comey to enter the FBI investigations into the political area. This includes Fox commentator Judge Jeanine Pirro and former Republican lawmaker Joe Walsh.

Unnamed members of the FBI responded on outrage to his decision to release information from the investigation before the FBI had a chance to determine whether the new emails are pertinent to the investigation at all.

Now, many are calling for an investigation into Comey’s decision. Others are calling for his removal or resignation since he has shown he has an inability to remain impartial.

Democrats have demanded that Comey and the FBI release more information about the new emails by Monday.