During an interview with Al Jazeera English, filmmaker and liberal activist Michael Moore said that though he wholeheartedly supports Hillary Clinton for president, if she does not follow through on her progressive promises, he plans to be her worst nightmare.

Moore was echoing similar sentiments we have heard from Bernie Sanders in the weeks leading up to the election, but as many other Democrats feel, Clinton is the best option that we’ve got.

“This is what we have to work with. I have no choice at this point, especially considering who the other candidate is. The best candidate to run against Trump was called Bernie Sanders. I think this wouldn’t be so close, and we wouldn’t be so nervous, were he the candidate.”

But Moore is hopeful that Clinton may perform up to our expectations.

“I think and I hope that she is a different person. She says she is, she’s adopted two-thirds of Bernie’s platform.”

Host Mehdi Hasan hit back and Moore a bit for his sudden acceptance of Clinton, reading off a quote from earlier in the year when Moore called Clinton “Wall Street’s candidate.” Moore seemed a bit uncomfortable before finally declaring,

“This is what we have to work with, here. I have no choice at this point, especially knowing who the other candidate is, but to believe she is going to follow through. And if she doesn’t, as I’ve said in my movie, I’m going to be her worst nightmare, as are millions of other people who voted for Bernie Sanders. The revolution isn’t going away.”

Moore then goes on to note that liberals let Obama off of the hook, allowing him to make sweeping promises without holding his feet to the fire. Clinton is not to have that same privilege.

Moore, like Sanders, say that though they will accept and support a more centrist Democrat like Clinton in the White House against Donald Trump, that does not mean that they plan to be complacent after election day.

It is no surprise that the two have arrived at similar conclusions concerning Clinton as Moore was a strong supporter of Sanders in the primary election. He, like many other celebrity supporters, have begrudgingly accepted Clinton in the primary election.
