Though co-host Mika Brzezinski tried to shush him, “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough was ready to go all-in on those who have suggested that his show has been pro-Trump at any point in the election.

As he has done many times before, Scarborough appeared as thin-skinned as the man he denies adoring when he went on a mindless rant about what those who think he loves Trump should do with themselves.

Said Joe:

“Now, in case you have a short attention span, right? In case you’re like that dude in Memento and you need to take a Polaroid every five seconds to figure out where you are, take a Polaroid right now and write these words on your wrist. Joe’s not saying [Trump winning] is going to happen. Joe’s saying it might happen. It could happen. Along with Nate Silver, I think there’s a 35% chance that it will happen. Have you taken the Polaroid yet? Have you put it right here?”

At this point, Mika tries to intercept Joe, helping him to step down off of his soap box and back into reality. Too bad Scarborough just wasn’t in the mood for rationality.

“Cause I don’t want you to think three minutes from now that anybody here is rooting for Donald Trump because we’re not. Let me finish this exercise. Because this is impossible. This will never happen. God, you people. You need to do your job and be journalists. You’re really disgusting.”

Nothing makes the conservative MSNBC host as angry as someone daring to suggest that his months of favorable coverage and near constant phone interviews with Trump might have helped the hateful candidate to succeed early on. Joe doesn’t like the truth.
