Though clearly, Americans in general made the wrong choice for president last night, Arizona residents made one good choice by kicking racist sheriff Joe Arpaio out of office.

Arpaio, who is currently facing criminal contempt charges, was soundly beaten for re-election on election night, and no doubt he will not be surprised. Arpaio had a good long time serving in this prominent position, misusing his power. Arpaio was seeking his 7th term as Sheriff of Maricopa County.

The man who defeated Arpaio is Democrat and former Phoenix police sergeant Paul Penzone. Penzone had previously ran against – and lost – to Arpaio in 2012.

So what took out Arpaio even as Trump took the nation? Likely the biggest factor to blame was Arpaio’s current criminal charges for criminal contempt. Arpaio earned those charges on October 26.

Upon the announcement of charges, we learned that Arpaio would not be formally arrested and his mugshot would not be taken. Arpaio is expected to contest the charge and has already planned to plead not guilty at his Dec. 6 trial. No one likes voting for a clear criminal, and that was reflected at the ballot box.

Similarly, David Duke, former Imperial Wizard of the KKK also lose his Senate race in Louisiana.

Is it possible that America is only ready for one hateful, bigoted demagogue at a time? Then again, one is far too many, especially when his home is the White House.