During a Friday morning interview, Jane Sanders, wife of the beloved progressive Senator Sanders said that had things been different, a nominee Sanders would have wiped the floor with Donald Trump.

Though Senator Bernie Sanders had responded “what good does it do now?” and refused to answer the same question the day before, Wolf Blitzer was successful in drawing the answer progressives wanted from wife Jane Sanders.

“Absolutely,” Sanders said. “But it doesn’t matter now.”

The senator’s wife then went on to say that we cannot look in the past but must instead use that lasting love for the senator to enact change within the Democratic party and fight like hell the next four year.

“What he has to do now is use his influence and work with people across this country to affect the change that they would have voted for had he been on the ticket and they did vote for in the primary despite all the irregularities. It’s not about us.”

In other words, serve as Donald Trump’s shadow president and give progressives the guidance and reassurance they need in these troubled times.

And as for 2020? Just like the Senator had said the day before, Jane told Blitzer that they might cross that bridge when they come to it – in 2019.
