Big Picture Interview: Joe Madison, The Joe Madison Show/SiriusXM Urban View. Whatever semblance of a honeymoon existed between Democrats and president-elect Donald Trump vanished Sunday when he named Steve Bannon his chief White House strategist. Bannon – who was also CEO of the Trump campaign – is the former chairman of Breitbart News. Under his watch – Breitbart became the go-to website of the rebranded white nationalist movement known as the “alt-right” It regularly runs stories about how great the confederate flag is how feminism makes women ugly -and how evil Muslim refugees are coming to ravage a community near you. Breitbart also has an entire section for stories about “black crime” – whatever that means. As if promoting race hate wasn’t bad enough – Steve Bannon apparently thinks just like his audience. According to court documents, he once told his ex-wife that he didn’t want their daughters attending a certain private school in LA because “too many whiny Jews” went there. Not surprisingly – Democrats are furious that someone like Bannon is about to serve as the righthand man of the president – and many have called on Trump to rescind his appointment altogether. But not everyone is upset about the fact that an apparent racist and anti-Semite is about to work in the White House. White nationalists – including the chair of the American Nazi Party – are thrilled about the Bannon pick. They say it shows that Trump is on their side. This is about as close as it gets to a nightmare scenario for progressives – and the country.
Trump: A Nightmare Scenario for Progressives & the Country – The Big Picture