The state of Michigan is seeking to defy a federal court order requiring the state to step up their efforts in providing clean, safe bottled drinking water to residents of lead-poisoned Flint.

The ongoing crisis in Flint has not found a permanent solution, and though national attention has moved elsewhere, the millions of residents of the town have been left to suffer.

Currently, residents have access to free bottled water at designated locations provided by the state, as well as access to faulty water filters that often fail to adequately filter out pollutants.

In March, the ACLU filed a motion asking that the state establish a delivery system so that residents who are unable to report to specified locations may still have access to clean drinking water. On November 10, the courts ruled in their favor and required that the state implement this system for all residents, unless a resident has adequate water through a filter or directly declines the service.

Rather than agreeing to providing this basic service to those residents who suffered through poisonous water for well over two years, the state balked at the order and has issued an appeal. Michigan state claims that the delivery service would require substantial infrastructure investments and could cost more than $10 million a month.

Lawyers on the case claimed that they were acting in the interest of taxpayers who would foot the bill – but isn’t providing basic services like water to all state residents the most worthy use of taxes?

Michigan and its governor Rick Snyder continue to ignore the human rights violation that they are assisting right under their noses. Since the nation seems to have forgotten the plight of Flint, Michigan figures it can get away with providing the bare minimum. It is up to us to remain vigilant and continue to advocate for clean, healthy conditions for Flint residents.

When just one of us does not have access to basic rights, we all suffer.