Big Picture Politics Panel: Alex Pfeiffer, The Daily Caller & Steve Beaman, Society To Advance Financial Education(SAFE Financial). While he says he’s the master of the art of the deal, he’s really the master of the art of the BS. The latest example of this is the Carrier deal. Although Trump has celebrated it as an example of just one of the job-saving savvy he’ll bring to the Oval office, it’s not the success he says it is & is far from it. It now turns out that in exchange for $7 million in tax breaks, Carrier will keep just 730 factory jobs in Indiana 550 will still go to Mexico. Meanwhile, Greg Hayes, the CEO of United Technologies, Carrier’s parent company, now says it will use the savings to increase automation in its Indiana facility – in other words, use Trump’s bribe money to kill off more American jobs in future years.
Carrier Is Using Trump’s Bribe To Kill More Jobs! – The Big Picture