Majority Report Contributor Michael Brooks is hosting the show for Sam Seder today. In this clip, Donald Trump appears on Fox News with Chris Wallace. While the content of the interview is disturbing—Trump is refusing to take intel briefings more than once a week (maybe once a week) because he’s “a smart guy,” he thinks the CIA conclusion that Russia interfered with the presidential election to swing it in his favor (although no one is yet saying that Russian interference determined the election) is “ridiculous…every week it’s something different”—the most appalling thing is that Donald Trump simply cannot be interviewed and act like a respectable human being. He’s sitting there on Fox News with an ostensibly friendly interviewer, and he can’t help himself from interrupting him at every turn, because he doesn’t like the content of the questions. It’s childish and ugly behavior…good luck with foreign relations.
Trump: CIA Conclusion That Russia Intervened In Election Is ‘Ridiculous…It’s a Lie’ – The Majority Report