In a race to steal the glory from incoming North Carolina governor Roy Cooper, anti-trans governor Pat McCrory and the Republican-dominated state legislature are planning to vote on Monday to repeal McCrory’s infamous “Bathroom law.”

McCrory and his supporters now say that he would have repealed the law long ago – despite the fact that he himself signed it – if it weren’t for those darn Democrats!

According to McCrory spokesman Graham Wilson,

“Governor McCrory has always publicly advocated a repeal of the overreaching Charlotte ordinance. But those efforts were always blocked by Jennifer Roberts, Roy Cooper and other Democratic activists.”

This assertion is simply preposterous as Democrats everywhere vehemently opposed the passage of this backwards, dangerous law.

The law, which caused national debate and outcry when it was passed earlier this year, made it illegal for an individual to use a restroom in the state which does not correspond to their biological sex. The bill was aimed at fixing a problem that doesn’t actually exist, and put all trans residents of the state in direct danger.

McCrory and others made the preposterous argument that not having this law on the books would encourage pedophiles to enter restrooms of the opposite gender to sexually assault children – though opponents of the law said that criminals intent on assaulting children would likely not be deterred by a law on the books.

What it did instead was directly target trans citizens – many of them teenagers and young adults – while emboldening anti-trans vigilantes to act out violently in response to the law.

Many other states considering similar laws, but thanks to public outcry, eventually threw the bills out. North Carolina, on the other hand, lost significant business and income because of the law, but McCrory continued to stand strong. Until now.

Just as they proved how petty they could be by signing a law that neutered Cooper’s pwoer as governor, so, too, McCrory is proving just how childish he can be by stealing the glory of repealing this horrendous act for himself.

Of course anyone with any sense will not view McCrory with a lick of positivity just because he repealed a law that he himself advocated for and signed into law. As much as he protests, McCrory’s political reputation is forever destroyed as it should be.