Proving that “shade” is certainly in the running for 2016’s word of the year, Senator Harry Reid threw some extra dark shade toward DNC villian Debbie Wasserman Schultz this week when he refused to call her by name.

Of course, Reid might have simply not known Wasserman’s name, but that itself is a pretty hefty burn considering that she was once the head of the party he represents.

Reid made his shady comment during an hour-long interview on KNPR News this week.

Speaking about the future of the Democratic party, Reid didn’t mince words when he expressed just how much a disaster that the party has become.

“I believe one of the failures of Democratic Party has been the Democratic National Committee, the DNC, has been worthless. They do nothing to help state parties. That should be the main goal they have. I developed everything in Nevada on my own. Their help was relatively meaningless.”

So now that the DNC is looking for a new leader, what advice does Reid have for the selection process?

“So, I would hope that they would choose a chair of the Democratic Party who is a full-time person. Not someone like we had with that congresswoman from Florida, who was a full-time congresswoman and a part time chair of the DNC.

We need a full time DNC chair and what they should do – they can take my model if they want – it’s not rocket science. It doesn’t take a lot of brain power to figure out what needs to be done. They should take a few states every election cycle, maybe three maybe four, and help them develop the infrastructure for good state party organization. “

Ahh, there’s that delicious burn. We all hope that soon, the nightmare that was Wasserman Schultz’s leadership will fade into the background so that we, too, can soon say, “does anyone remember that congresswoman from Florida? Me either.”

You can listen to the rest of Reid’s interview from