In an effort to curb pollution by factories and companies across the nation, China has begun publicly shaming companies who pollute in the hopes of forcing them into better environmental practices.

Despite the unconventional method used, it appears that China’s efforts to appeal to big business’s sense of shame has been ill-spent. After publicly shaming more than 20 enterprises, including steel and paper mills, power generators, and more, little change has been noted.

China has tried this tactic of shaming before, but this is the most overt attempt yet, with Beijing issuing strongly-worded ministry reprimands over television and newspaper in the very communities the companies are polluting.

While cities are blanketed in polluting smog and residents are forced to breath dangerous air, companies consider the public reprimands of little concern.

China will have to step up and make stronger penalties for these companies if they hope to affect real change, and pressure is mounting for local government to step in and make changes.
