This week, Senator Sanders did what he often does – reach across the aisle to make important deals for the benefit of the greater good.

Though the progressive independent is often at odds with the likes of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, he and the two establishment Democrats penned a letter calling on a national day of action to demand that President-elect Trump maintain his promise to protect Medicaid and Medicare.

The letter, issued on Wednesday, was in two parts: the first called on Trump to adhere to promise he made during the election that he would protect important social programs like medicare, medicaid, and social security.

The second part of the letter called on citizens nationwide to hold Trump to his promise by participating in a national day of action complete with demonstrations demanding the protection of American healthcare as it stands.

Said the letter:

“On Sunday, January 15th, ahead of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, there will be a day of action — “Our First Stand: Save Health Care.” Rallies will be held around the country to vigorously oppose the Republican plan to end Medicare as we know it and throw our health care system into chaos.”

Despite his promises, Republicans who have Trump’s ear are eager to cut these necessary government programs in the interest of saving money – the needy be damned.

Sanders, Schumer, and Pelosi have seen how many times the orange demagogue is willing to flip from his previous positions on a whim. With their efforts, they hope to prevent this b