Though it is not a permanent block, a judge has temporarily ruled in favor of incoming North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper ordering that the law passed by the Republican legislature and signed by current governor Pat McCrory cannot be implemented just yet.

Cooper issued a suit this week against the state, arguing that the law they rushed through was unconstitutional because it interfered with the constitutionally required separation of powers.

The hold has been issued on the law for the next 30 days or until further hearings can make a determination about whether or not the law is truly constitutional.

The law was rushed through the state government earlier this month in retaliation for the Democratic win of Cooper, defeating current governor McCrory whose anti-Trans law killed commerce in the state.

After McCrory’s loss, the Republicans demanded a recount, but when the recount turned up the same results – a loss by 10,000 votes – the GOP switched tactics.

The law they passed significantly neutered the powers of the incoming governor, handing much of his power to the Republican lieutenant governor and dramatically reducing the number of staffers Cooper could both hire and fire.

Much like most of the laws the North Carolina’s coup tries to implement, this one too will likely be stopped in its tracks by higher courts. Until then, Cooper will enter office and hopefully immediately repeal the anti-trans laws that have corrupted his state.