In a clear sign that when the people speak, the politicians must listen, Republicans have backed down on their plan to gut the independent ethics committee thanks to strong opposition and calls from constituents across the nation.

The news about the Republican plan to gut the committee broke last night, and within hours, phone calls began to barrage offices of Republican congressmen across the nation.

Lawmakers marveled at the number of calls pouring into their office as angry constituents expressed their outrage at the Republicans’ rushed choice to gut the independent committee.

By taking away most of the power from the ethics committee, the lawmakers effectively handed the power to oversee corruption to themselves, allowing the chickens to rule the roost.

Thanks to strong push-back from regular citizens making phone calls, this measure has been ended. Just hours before the newest members of the House could be confirmed, Republicans called an emergency session where House leaders brought about the end of this dangerous measure.

Initially, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan opposed the measure, but he and other party leaders were overthrown and the measure passed 119-74.

Now, though the unprecedented attack on Democracy will no doubt continue under Republican rule, we can feel emboldened to act and speak out against corruption, no matter how small our voices may seem.

Human decency and freedom may have lost the battle, but we will win the war.