Is there lead in your water? Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

TYT Politics Reporter Jordan Chariton draws water from a 2-year-old home water heater in East Chicago, Indiana. In this home, the EPA HAD ONLY TESTED THE SINK WATER—WHICH THEY CONFIRMED HAD LEAD CONTAMINATION—AND OUTSIDE SOIL, telling the family not to be concerned about the water heater (just 2 years old) or shower water.

If home water heaters are contaminated, it’s likely hot shower water is as well. The EPA told this family they could shower with no issues. If lead is found in shower water and people inhale it, a litany of health issues can arise. Worse than that, if you get shower water contaminated with lead into your eye, it’s like having it injected into your bloodstream.

TYT Politics will be sending this water out for private testing from the Water Defense, which has done extensive and thorough testing of homes in Flint, finding bacteria and other metals and chemicals. Results to come as soon as possible.

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