Now that Fox News star Megyn Kelly is abandoning the conservative ship, it appears that the failing network is scrambling as fast as it can to fill the massive gap left by the conservative host, and in their rush, the network has given even the most despicable scum his own show.

Infamous O’Reilly Factor sidekick Jesse Watters has apparently bullied and taunted enough “liberals” that he has earned his own weekly show. Of course, on Fox News, the more antagonistic and one-sided the better.

Watters has frequently made incredibly racists statements on television, called for a terrorist attack before the election to boost Trump’s polling numbers, and simply embodies the worst of the worst in smarmy, right-wing bullsh*t.

Now that Fox has lost Kelly and any other Trump-questioning host, the network will be able to settle into its firm identity as a pro-Trump all the time network. Having already been as far right as possible, it’s hard to imagine how things could get worse – but they are.

Fox News Programming EVP Suzanne Scott says Watters is getting his own show because his segments were so darn popular with the despicable Fox audience – a fact that should make any reasonable person gag.

“Jesse’s monthly specials have proven extremely popular and we are confident the ‘Watters’ World’ weekly airings will make a great addition to our weekend lineup.”

“Watters’ World” will have the same name as his previous O’Reilly segment and will air on Saturday nights at 8 p.m. ET, a pretty swanky spot for such a despicable prick.

Not like you needed one, but this is just one more reason to never switch over to the right-wing maniac station.