In an attempt to step up in unprecedented opposition to incoming President Trump, Senator Bernie Sanders and other noted Democratic leaders have scheduled political events that seem a whole lot like election rallies in order to put political pressure on Trump in key issues.

The event is being called “Our First Stand,” and is just the first of many planned national rallies bent on bringing national attention to a progressive platform in opposition to Trump.

The first of many such rallies will be led by Senator Sanders, and will focus on the first of a many-pronged Democratic mission: healthcare. The rallies will be held first on January 15 at several locations across the nation, chiefest will be the rally led by Sanders in Warren, Michigan, which will also feature appearances from Sens. Chuck Schumer, Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters.

Elsewhere across the nation in New Jersey, Washington D.C., Virginia, Vermont and more, dozens of Democratic senators will hold their own rallies, calling for President-elect Trump to protect citizens’ healthcare.

Much like when Senator Sanders took the Senate floor to call on Trump to uphold his promise about government health programs or admit that he lied, the rallies are planned to remind the American public that there is hope in opposing Trump.

This is incredibly vital, not only because Trump won the election, but also because Democratic voices will be minimized in goverment for the next two to four years thanks to Republican majorities in the House and Senate.

In order to revitalize the left’s opposition and give them something to believe in, it will be vital that Sanders and others continue to remind the rest of the nation that the liberals of this country are still here and are still fight for what’s right.