As the Republican-dominated government moves to repeal the Affordable Care Act, little constructive thought is going into what, exactly, will be replacing the health care program.

But while the GOP goes full speed ahead, what they don’t want the American public to know is that repealing Obamacare will likely cost taxpayers TRILLIONS.

While some who are enrolled in Obamacare have complained about high healthcare costs, it appears that whatever the Republicans cook up to replace it with will likely steal even more from the pockets of the middle and low income earners across the country.

Early estimates show that billions upon billions of dollars will be required to repeal the current program. A program, which, by the way, did not add to the deficit when it was implemented thanks to careful planning by President Obama.

In addition to the massive price tag, the repeal of the ACA will also cost around 3 million jobs – a fact that job-creator Republicans no doubt want to keep quiet.

To his credit, President Obama has spoken out in recent days and goaded Republicans by saying that if they can announce a better healthcare plan than the ACA, he will fully and vocally support the repeal of his healthcare plan. But that’s exactly the issue – they have no plan.

And while the GOP continues to play politics with people’s health, one thing is for sure: if they do not provide an adequate replacement for the ACA immediately, people will die.