When violent Trumpkin Corey Lewandowski left his short-lived job at CNN to return to his beloved’s side, he apparently left a douche-sized hole in the CNN lineup that needed filling.

Enter Republican Rick Santorum.

On Tuesday, Santorum gladly announced that he had finally found gainful employment at the corporate news network, serving as a Senior Political Commentator.


Though Santorum has spent most of his time on the government side of things, this won’t be his first go at being a media personality. In 2007, Santorum was employed by Fox News as a contributor. Though that was a decade ago, we can expect the GOP-er to pick up right where he left off at CNN. 

The former Pennsylvania Senator and two-time failed presidential candidate should be grateful for the opportunity to join up at CNN, though the network’s audience will likely groan to see Santorum join the lineup of Trump devotees on the nightly line-up.

At least CNN can’t be accused of being anti-GOP. Too bad they also can’t be accused of having quality employees.